Created to produce hot water while improving energy consumption efficiency and respecting the environment

Synchro IS SAFE
Nothing burns.
No fuels

It lives in symbiosis with
renewable energies.
You can heat yourself
in self-consumption.

Synchro IS GREEN
It does not pollute.
No gas at all.

year after year, harmful emissions accumulate, producing damage that is no longer sustainable for the planet.
Synchro has been designed today for homes that have consumption expectations for the next hundred years and beyond.
The current significant savings found today will only be destined to increase with the natural depletion of energy resources deriving from fossil fuels

costs much less to accumulate thermal energy
(accumulation of hot water)
Rather than electricity (battery)
Created to increase security
Synchro does not burn gas and has no electrical resistance in contact with water: short circuits or leaks of flammable materials are not possible.
In Italy alone in 2019 the Fire Brigade intervened for 270 events with 35 deaths caused by explosions and gas leaks.
(source: National Fire Brigade - Causes of boiler and heat generator explosions in domestic environments)
No carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is formed when the ventilation openings are permanently blocked. Carbon monoxide is particularly dangerous because it is odourless, colourless, non-irritating and is lethal within minutes even at concentrations of 0.1%.
No flammable liquids or gases.
Burning for warmth has been a pattern known to man for thousands of years. In addition to the danger of having flammable liquids or gases in the house or being surrounded by them, isn't it about time to adopt technologies that are not harmful to the environment?
No short circuit.
No electrical part of Synchro is in contact with water. In Synchro there is no heat transfer. There is no resistance or heating plate, so at the same time no risk of short circuit and possible consequences resulting from a short circuit..
No gas to dispose of.
Synchro electric boiler with HOT WATER POWER technology takes energy from water and does not produce harmful gases for the environment, either due to the greenhouse effect or the hole in the ozone layer. It does not contain fluorinated gases or any other type of gas: it is not a heat pump and does not require an external unit. Its efficiency is constant and does not vary as the external temperature varies. The Synchro electric boiler is environmentally friendly.